Mielscope Case Study – Downtown Dentistry

Dr. Jang Chou has a background in prosthodontics, and has a successful practice in San Antonio.  He has extensive experience with traditional microscopes, and was finding that he was only really able to use them in very specific situations – which was limiting his return on investment.  He liked to have the high magnification.  However, he often found that during the procedure, he wanted to see different angles or different magnification levels, or even to just see a “birds-eye” view using his loupes.  The traditional microscope really didn’t allow him to do this, and it wasn’t practical to stop what he was doing in mid-procedure, move it to the side, and put on loupes.

He also knew that image and video are so valuable for record keeping and patient communication.  However, all the different options (intraoral cameras, loupe-cams, dental light cameras) were either disruptive to use, lacked stability or had limited resolution to capture great imagery. 

As he researched options, he started investigating the Mielscope.  However, he had many questions.  Would it fit in his operatory?  Where would the screen be located, and where would his assistant stand so that both had visibility?  Would it be difficult to work from a screen?  Would the images and video really be as good as he hoped?

Fast forward a few months, and Dr. Chou says “The Mielscope has been working great!  I think I’ve figured out some of the optimal positioning to make it work, and I’ve been doing a lot of cases with it.  It takes fantastic videos to document cases, and I love how few ‘clicks’ it takes to get to video-taking mode.”

“It is also very unobtrusive” he continued, “so we don’t have any objections from patients when documenting cases. Furthermore, “what is nice is that I don’t have to take loupes off every time I need to look at a different view or to zoom in. Once positioning of the head and the monitor has been figured out, it works fantastically!”

Finally, he mentioned that “I’ve also been having great success with my endo cases. It’s been excellent for finding the MB2.” 



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    Or give us a call:  914-592-6100



    Learn more about the Mielscope from ImageWorks