ImageWorks Warranty/Product Registration

Please Note: Before you register, you will need both your machine’s assembly number and the serial number of the device. The assembly number may also be called a part number or a catalog number. You can find this information on either your warranty card or on the machine itself on the serial plate.

Items marked with * are required

    Your Email (Required. This is where your registration confirmation will be sent.)

    Machine Type:

    Serial No.:

    Assembly No.

    Tube Head Serial No. (for Intraoral x-ray units only)

    Installation location

    Installation date:

    Installed/used at:

    Contact Name:

    Contact Phone:

    Address 1:

    Address 2:


    State/Province (US & Canada)


    Postal Code:

    Dealer Information

    Dealer's Name:

    Dealer's Location:

    Installation Notes:

    ImageWorks is committed to protecting your confidentiality and privacy while visiting our website. If you choose to share contact information with us, rest assured that we will not sell, rent or exchange your information with other parties; it will remain only for the eyes of ImageWorks personnel.

    By clicking on the Submit button below, you certify that the above unit has been installed and is working satisfactorily.

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